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Found 3 matching entries from the total of 1 941 (show picture gallery)
# | ID
Manufacturer Company
# of related pictures |
ICAO code
Info (external) |
Website (external) |
# of aircraft types in DB |
# of aircraft in DB |
Total # of aircraft built (in DB) |
# of related aviators in DB |
# of related user comments |
1 | 18 | AB Götaverken | GOTAVERKEN | Sweden | ? | 1989 | ||||||||||
2 | 1200 | Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB) | 3 |
MBB | Germany | 1969 | 1989 | EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company) | 5 | 270 | 1 602 | |||||
3 | 1341 | Partenavia Construzioni Aeronautiche | 6 |
PARTENAVIA | Italy | 1957 | 1989 | Alenia Aeronautica | 5 | 224 | 780 | 1 | ||||
9 | 10 | 494 | 2 382 | 1 | 0 |