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Displaying Country

Country Code CO
Country Name Colombia
Aircraft tail code prefix(es) HK
Airport ICAO code prefix(es) SK
Continent South America
Geolocation [I] N043500 W0740400
Info (external) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombia
# of manufacturers in DB 11
# of aircraft types in DB 53
Total # of aircraft built (from DB) 140
# of aircraft registered here (in DB)
# of aircraft manufactured here (in DB) 3
# of airports in DB 653
Total # of passengers in airports (from DB) 59 717 197
# of aeroclubs in DB 1
# of airlines in DB 19
# of air shows in DB
# of air races in DB
# of air museums in DB 3
# of aviators in DB
# of books in DB
# of related collections